Passport Funding

Passport is a program that helps adults 18 years or older with an intellectual disability to participate in their communities.


 It also helps caregivers of an adult with an intellectual disability take a break from their caregiving responsibilities.

Passport provides funding for services and supports so adults with an intellectual disability can:

  • Take part in community classes or recreational programs
  • Develop work, volunteer, and daily life skills
  • Hire a support worker
  • Create their own life plans (this is called person-directed planning) to reach their goals
  • Get temporary respite for their  caregivers
  • Passport is funded by the Ontario Government and administered by local Passport Agencies

Who Does the Passport Program Serve?

The Passport program is for people with a developmental disability who are 18-years-old or older and:

  • Need support to participate in the community while they are still in school, or;
  • Have left school and are living on their own, with family or independently in a supportive living arrangement.


Developmental Services Ontario manages the application process for all provincially-funded developmental services and supports for adults with a developmental disability in Ontario.


Learn More about how Applicants Are Prioritized and Funding Amounts are Determined

Donate Today!


Gifts from donors like you provide opportunities for people we support to actively participate in their community.

Funding Partners

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We would like to respectfully acknowledge that Dufferin County resides within the traditional territory and ancestral lands of the Tionontati (Petun), Attawandaron (Neutral),
Haudenosaunee (Six Nations), and Anishinaabe peoples.