Adult Services

To access adult services available through
Community Living Dufferin you must register with Developmental Services Ontario (DSO).


Register with DSO

Community Outreach

The demand for CLD’s services is high.

Employment support, behavioural management and social connections are a sampling of what CLD provides.


Options, Learning + Leisure Program

CLD offers a variety of flexible leisure and recreational activities.

Adults with intellectual disabilities and students who are leaving school may participate on a full or part time basis. CLD offers programs on its premises and within the community. Opportunities range from swimming and horseback riding to crafts, music, yoga and bowling. A particularly popular initiative is Creative Partners on Stage; which offers two drama programs created in partnership with Theatre Orangeville. Participants look forward to creating magic with yearly on-stage productions.

Employment Services/BSocial

Employment ServicesCLD assists people with intellectual disabilities to acheive their employment goals. CLD makes arrangements with employers who provide both paid and voluntary jobs and on-the-job training. Staff also helps people connect with and maintain volunteer positions as another possible work option.

BSocial  - 'BSocial" has been servicing Dufferin County at café locations and concession stands since 2018. BSocial is an initiative run by Community Living Dufferin that opened in partnership with Family Transition Place and Dufferin Child and Family Services. The initiative was created to provide equal opportunities for members of the community who may have barriers to employment.




two smiling people


Behavioural Services

Family and caregivers of adults with intellectual disabilities often request behaviour therapy. 

CLD administers this program which provides parents with funding upon approval and a list of professionals who support individuals with Intellectual disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorders. These professional service providers assist families in dealing with behavioral concerns with their son/daughter within the home. Paid for by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS), this is a short term program (about six sessions).




Passport is a program that helps adults with an intellectual disability to be involved in their communities 

Passport provides individualized funding for community participation services and supports, activities of daily living and person directed planning.

The program also provides funding for caregivers respite services and supports for caregivers of an adult with an intellectual disability.

Families may apply for Passport funding by contacting the DSO office at 1.888.941.1121

CLD can assist families in using their funding by offering individualized and group supports.

smiling man in sweatshirt

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